Posts Tagged ‘I am a pizza’


crazy pizza

January 22, 2009

When we started making dinner tonight I had no intentions of turning the process into a blog post.  Oh, I love how things change like that.  I was relaying to Kevin how a friend of mine from university was making pizza today too because I noticed her facebook post.  That made me happy.

Usually I buy these ridiculously expensive spelt tortillas for me but today I was in the mood to make them from scratch, just like in the old days.


pizza production

While we were preparing the pizzas that our funny diets require we started singing Charlotte Diamond’s “I am a pizza”.  We couldn’t remember the French words for oregano so you know what that would mean… yep we went to Youtube, because the whole song is available there.

You’re probably wondering why this dink pair would be singing kids songs and I love the story so here goes.

Since Kevin is gluten free among other things, we  sometimes check in on gluten free girls blog.  I’m sure we’d visit more if there wasn’t so much dairy but I digress.  In the fall I came across this post.  Reading Shauna’s post, I realized just how many of the songs I knew – every single one!  I was reading out some of the post to Kevin and he recognized most of them too so of course we had to find e versions of the songs to singalong with.  It was so much fun!

That takes me to Charlotte Diamond and pizza.  We just couldn’t get our fill of songs from our childhood so we started looking for what our French Immersion sisters listened to, and well, the pizza song stuck.


My crazy spelt tortilla pizza

Our pizza today rocked, thanks to some happy coincidences and the song “I am a pizza”.


Kev's "bread" pizza